FOTEMA Arte Fotográfico S.H.

Julio Virgolini


"Julio Virgolini is a lawyer, a Ph.D. from the University of Buenos Aires, a former National Judge, and a professor of criminal law and criminology. He has published numerous books and articles in his field. As a photographer, he has held twenty-eight photography exhibitions in Argentina, Spain, and Peru, and he is the author of 'Tierras Altas,' a book of photographs from Tibet (Buenos Aires 2018). As a writer, he has published 'Intemperie,' a book of poems (Vinciguerra, Buenos Aires 2005); 'Resonancias,' a book of photographs and his own texts (notes, fiction, short stories inspired by photographs - Buenos Aires, 2022); 'La ventana en lo alto,' a novel whose plot originates from his own photograph taken in Vannes, France, in 2016 (Enero Editorial, Buenos Aires 2022). He studied photography at the Ortiz Mugica School (2012 to 2015). His usual field of work has been landscape photography and so-called street photography. He has conducted photographic reports in Nepal and Tibet and has received several awards for his work.


Julio Virgolini presents a series of photographs taken in Catamarca, Argentina, in 2022. With them, he seeks to capture the chaotic infinity of the desert, shaped by the turbulence of ancient volcanoes, traversed by the winds, eroded by the rains, and scorched by the sun for millions of years. Thus, there are traces and suggestive, whimsical forms left behind, magnificent monuments that unveil the immensity of the world and reveal the smallness of man who has only now set foot on this land. He used black and white, polished the contours, and degraded the grays so that this powerful magnificence would open up before our eyes.
He also presents a single photo, the daily footprint of man on the beach, different sands from those of Catamarca, different sensations on the skin, a different taste of the sea air. Nazaré, Portugal 2015.

Julio Virgolini
Title: Cono de Arita
Medium: Toma Digital Directa
Date of print: 2023
Capture year: 2023
Dimensions: 48 x 72 cm
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of FOTEMA Arte Fotográfico S.H.

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