Del Infinito
Del Infinito

Since its creation, Del Infinito has hosted a wide variety of exhibitions dedicated to the main artists of some of the most relevant avant-garde movements in Argentina, among which stand out: Lozza, Iommi, Testa, Le Parc, Arden Quin and Greco, all of whom have dialogued harmoniously with the works of younger artists.

Director: Estela Gismero y Julián Mizrahi
Country: Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Avenida Pte Manuel Quintana 325, PB
Telephone: +54 11 48138828
Email: moc.otinifniled@airelag

Exhibited artists

Esteban Pastorino

Gallery artists

Julio Le Parc
Clorindo Testa
Enio Iommi
Rogelio Polesello
Carmelo Arden Quin
Manuel Espinosa
Alberto Greco
Federico Manuel Peralta Ramos
Esteban Pastorino
Martin Reyna
Marcela Cabutti
Axel Straschnoy
Beto De Volder
Fabiana Imola
Matilde Marin
Palacio municipal y plaza circundante de Pellegrini (proyecto no realizado)

Palacio municipal y plaza circundante de Pellegrini (proyecto no realizado)

Esteban Pastorino

Cementerio Loberia

Cementerio Loberia

Esteban Pastorino

Palacio Municipal Rauch

Palacio Municipal Rauch

Esteban Pastorino

Matadero Coronel Pringles

Matadero Coronel Pringles

Esteban Pastorino

Palacio Municipal Tornquist

Palacio Municipal Tornquist

Esteban Pastorino

Municipalidad Carhue

Municipalidad Carhue

Esteban Pastorino