
Verónica Orta


Verónica Orta was born in Rosario, Argentina. She holds a degree in Visual Arts from the Faculty of Humanities and Arts at the National University of Rosario. Currently, she works as a professor in the "Laboratorio I" department at the School of Fine Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Arts (UNR), and at the Higher Institute of Visual Communication in Rosario. She has attended photography workshops with Andrea Ostera, Guillermo Ueno, Gabriela Muzzio, and Amado Llarrull.
In the year 2000, she received the Artists from Rosario award at the National Salon of Rosario, and in 1999, she won the 1st Prize in the Graphic Section at the XXXII Contemporary Art Salon of Amigos del Arte in Rosario, as well as a grant from the Subsecretariat of Culture of Santa Fe. In 2011 and 2014, she participated in the Artist Residency at Les Moulins (Centre d´Art Contemporain) in Boissy le Chatel, France. In 2019, she took part in the NO Residencia EN Tránsito in San Martín de los Andes from March 14th to 19th.
Verónica has held both individual and collective exhibitions, including notable ones such as "La Linterna y el archivo" (2021) at Subsuelo Art Gallery, "Aquello que hay en mí, que no soy yo" at the 6th Micro Art Fair in Rosario (2021), "BAphoto" (2021) at Subsuelo Art Gallery, "Paseo" (2018) at the Municipal School of Fine Arts Manuel Musto in Rosario, "Gabinete" (2018) as part of the 72nd National Salon of Rosario at the Macro in Rosario, "De cosas tocantes a esta historia y no a otra alguna" (2016) at Rivoire marquería + Espacio de Arte, and "Carnet de Reves III - Exposition de Jeunes Artistes en Residence" (2014) at Les Moulins (Centre d´ Art Contemporain) in Boissy le Chatel, France.
She lives and works in Rosario, Argentina.


For some time now, my work has been shaped by affective archives that map walks and drifts, always situated in a specific time and place, inviting observation and contemplation. Branches, stones, leaves, flowers that I select to bear witness to the fragility of the world. It is in the combination of techniques and media I employ that I reveal my interest in capturing the trace of what mutates imperceptibly, whether through the use of rubbings, embossing, or photography.
These natural objects, mobile signs meant to touch, feel, and observe, are reconfigured and ordered, sometimes on tables, as pieces of heterogeneous alphabets, and at other times, they transform into photographic series, herbariums, or collages. These are exploratory processes that range from calligraphic exercises to photography and from collections to typewritten texts, aiming to bring together materiality and meaning.
To fix, mark, document is the approach I propose for what I choose and select, to extend an invitation to other perspectives that will undoubtedly reconfigure the archive through their own affective connections.

Verónica Orta
Title: Sin título
Serie: "De cosas tocantes a esta historia, y no a otra alguna."
Medium: Técnica mixta
Year: 2016
Dimensions: 25 x 17,5 cm

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Sin título