OpenFile Raul Hoyos


Juan Raul Hoyos - Colombia 1962

based in Miami

Studied  Fine Art at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellin)


The way in which I have been developing my ideas during the last years basically consists of capturing and evaluating photographic images that I myself often produce using my cell phone, which after manipulating and processing them will eventually be used in multiple media: serigraphs, paintings,drawings, photographs, sculptures, installations


In short, my work is a constant investigation of the living space, the places where my life happens

JR Hoyos


Recent solo exhibitions include Miami Dade College,Museum of Modern Art Medellin,Alejandra Von Hartz Gallery Miami,Museum of Contemporary Art Bogota

And numerous group shows;Aluna Curatorial collective Miami,Instituto Cultural de Mexico en Miami,Art Factory Project Miami,Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín,Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca Mexico,Alejandra Von Hartz Gallery Miami,Sala Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango Banco de La Republica Bogota,Bienal Interamericana de Arquitectura Biblioteca EPM medellin 


Hoyos works are held in the collections of Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogota

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Bogota,Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellin,Museo Universidad de Antioquia –Medellin Colombia  and numerous private collections throughout the United States and Latin America 
