
Gabriela Muzzio


Gabriela Muzzio, Marcos Juárez, Córdoba, 1969
She is a visual artist, teacher, curator, and lover of archives.
In 1990, she moved to Rosario to start her studies in photography at the Technical School ISET N°18. Since 1993, she has continued her education with Alberto Goldenstein, Norberto Puzzolo, Marcos López, Guillermo Ueno, Eduardo Gil, and Adriana Lestido.
In 1996, she began to develop an interest in conservation and antique photographic processes, training with Hugo Gez, Anne Cartier Bresson, Francisco da Costa, Darío Albornoz, and Lisa Robinson.
During 2007 and 2008, she participated in El Levante, a Workshop for Analysis and Confrontation of Artwork in Rosario.
In 2013, she took part in the spontaneous Curator's Residency in San José del Rincón, Santa Fe, and Nido errante in Vaqueros, Salta in 2015.
In 2014, she published her first book, "Los abrazos," through a competition by the Municipal Publishing House of Rosario. She also contributed to Tinta libre, Historias grabadas en la piel, an independent publication.
She has participated in solo and group exhibitions since 1998, including:
Biennial of Documentary Photography, Tucumán, "Los abrazos" (2004)
National Salon Rosa Galisteo, "Officinalis" (2015)
National Salon Castagnino – Macro, "La memoria de los otros," Special Mention (2014)
Centro Cultural Parque de España, "Arte x Arte," "Familia modelo para desarmar" (2016 and 2017)
National Salon Emilio Caraffa, "Seda" (2016)
Fola Latin American Photographic Library, "Officinalis" (2015)
Biennial of Photography El ojo Salvaje, Paraguay, "Officinalis" (2015)
National Salon Fondo Nacional de las Artes, "S/T," Special Mention (2019)
Since 1999, she has been a teacher at the Photography Workshop of the Municipal School of Visual Arts Manuel Musto in Rosario. From 2005 to 2013, she worked on the preservation of the negative archive at the Museum of the City of Rosario.
She is a member of Camarada, a collective responsible for the Pequeña Biblioteca y Archivo Amateur.
She lives and works in Rosario.

Gabriela Muzzio
Title: Officinalis
Serie: 1 de 3
Medium: Fotografía digital. Toma directa. Impresión Glicée.
Year: 2014
Dimensions: 50 x 240 cm
Price: US$ 7,500.00

Additional information

"Las plantas han sido las primeras medicinas que aparecieron sobre la tierra, las únicas usadas por nuestros antepasados y que han representado (y representan) todavía el primer gran laboratorio vegetal que existe en el planeta: la medicina de la naturaleza. Confirma que las hierbas pueden ser usadas con objetivos fitoterapéuticos.
El término de hierbas “oficiales” deriva de “officina” o “taller”, como se llamaba en la Edad Media el laboratorio farmacéutico donde el boticario trabajaba y preparaba los fármacos.
La ciudad de Asunción (Paraguay) está poblado de “officinalis” a cielo abierto donde se comercializan las plantas medicinales y se comparte el conocimiento adquirido o heredado en el entorno familiar.
Estas imágenes son un homenaje al aspecto más bondadoso de la naturaleza y a quienes ayudan con su conocimiento". Gabriela Muzzio
Seleccionada en
Salón Castagnino Macro (Rosario)
Salón Museo Rosa Galisteo (Santa Fe)

Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of Subsuelo

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