La Portland + Preciada Galería

Ariana Beilis


He was born in the City of Santa Fe, in 1983. He lives in Buenos Aires.
She is the author of "We will be like the drop that falls a thousand times on the stone" (2019) and "Trueque" (2018), an exchange with MPBA Rosa Galisteo. Since 2016, he has coordinated, together with Malcon D'Stefano, A LA CAL, a nomadic exhibition space, and the Barrio sin Plaza collective, which received 1st Prize at the 9th RAFAELA NATIONAL BIENNIAL and was a member of the MAMBA 2020 “Collective Glossary of Communities”.
She was awarded a scholarship in the El Mirador Foundation Artists Program 2022 and UTDT in 2020. In 2019 she carried out the ACERCA C.C. Spain AECID Park. She took clinics with CURADORA, Andrés Labaké and Soledad Sánchez Goldar. She is awarded at the 96th and 94th National Salon of May of the MPBA of Santa Fe.
He published texts in UTDT Methods, SISMO Lebensohn Foundation. His works are included in public and private collections. Outstanding Exhibitions: Km 1 Program - Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires - 2022, 13th Itaú Foundation Award - 2022, How much emptiness can a piece of furniture fill? at Sor Josefa Díaz y Clucellas Municipal Museum of Visual Arts - Santa Fe 2021, Ghost Biennial at Di Tella University, 74th Rosario National Salon 2021, 9th National Biennial "Ciudad de Rafaela Award" - 2021


The main support of my work is the human body, I use my own, extreme its link with some situation or condition to carry out actions that are sometimes individual in domestic spaces and other times they are proposals that involve more people in public spaces. In both I use everyday materials and humor to evoke something that links loneliness and the collective unconscious. The final pieces emerge as recording objects of those actions and can take the form of photos, videos, installations or sculptures.

Ariana Beilis
Title: Silla
Medium: Porcelana, fotografía, resina, acrílico y bronce.
Year: 2022
Dimensions: 24 x 34 x 2,5 cm

Additional information

Objeto registro de performance ¿Cuántovacío puede llenar un mueble?

Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of La Portland + Preciada Galería

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