Claudia Cebrian


Argentine Photographer and Social Communications graduate based in Miami.
Claudia Cebrian is interested in the human being and its interaction with nature. In her work she researches the influence in social and cultural life, fashion and beliefs; and how they condition us without even realizing it.
Her projects have been selected and awarded by Lensculture, Lenscratch, Loosenart, Critical Mass 200 and Lomography among many others. His work was exhibited in numerous exhibitions, fairs, and biennials in Miami, Orlando, New York, and Buenos Aires from 1997 to the present.


En sus series “Promised Land” y “Dried Flowers” exploro los sentimientos de un inmigrante. La soledad, el miedo, la confusión y las problemáticas de un idioma desconocido o la adaptación de la vida en una nueva cultura, son circunstancias por las que yo misma atravesé desde mi propio lugar de desarraigo. Hija y nieta de inmigrantes, indago a través del lenguaje de la fotografía, sobre los ecos de las migraciones actuales y de otros tiempos.

Claudia Cebrian
Title: La Tierra Prometida
Serie: Tierra Prometida
Medium: Digital capture Archival Pigment Print
Date of print: 2022
Capture year: 2017
Dimensions: 50 x 70 cm
Edition: 1/10
Price: US$ 650.00
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of GALLERyLABS

Other galleries

AG Studio
Del Infinito
Hilario. Artes Letras Oficios
Carmen Araujo Arte
ZONA V Fine art point
La Tierra Prometida