Andrés Ramírez Gavira

Special Project, Curator: María A. Iovino Moscarella.

For this new edition of Pinta BAphoto, Andrés Ramirez Gaviria proposes "Sources", a work in which photography engages with diverse research strategies, including sound and mathematics, curated by María Assunta Iovino. 

Sources, the work selected for this exhibition, while making clear the importance of elucidation on photography, in Andrés Ramírez Gaviria's work, it indicates the broad connections that characterize his perspective, as well as the poetic turn with which he enhances the material he analyzes. Each one of the images in this work include diverse perceptions and translations in which each represented element is exposed to an indescribable contamination in the journeys it makes throughout its history.

The records gathered by Sources communicate the most remote news of existence that a telescope has been able to offer from the Earth (quasars). Before being visual forms these abstractions were sounds captured by a wave telescope. The light years through which the notes examined at the observatory have traveled were mathematically condensed and from that information the two-dimensional images were consolidated. In the discernment of these procedures, the artist highlights the fact that the immense scientific work that has sought to represent what is happening over vast distances and unimaginable times in cosmic space could never be closed or precise. It depends on the reading that can be offered to the numerical data that synthesize the sound. Thus the artist reveals associations between the ways of storing transcendent knowledge for culture and those of building aesthetic or harmonic solutions; which could be understood as a way of reaffirming the identification of authenticity with beauty that other artists have insisted on throughout history. Sources also show the complexity involved in the operation of detecting, interpreting and structuring harmonies. It involves research, intelligence, sensitivity and coordination.

Andrés Ramírez Gaviria's scientific interest is usually supported by expert voices. In Sources he found them in Zsolt Paragi, Joint Institute for VLBI and Sandor Frey, FOMI Satelite Geodetic Observatory. 

Andrés Ramírez Gaviria is a Colombian-Austrian artist born in 1975. He is very interested in the fields in which photography, science, mysticism and the diverse expressions of history intersect. In this field, his work continuously shows from different spaces what interpretation and translation imply in the languages in which artistic creation works and in others that we make use of in everyday life. The use of photography or photographic resources is recurrent in his work as an expressive medium or as a research support.  

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María A. Iovino Moscarella, born in Barranquilla, Colombia, has developed a recognized work in Colombian and Latin American art as a teacher, researcher, curator and consultant for cultural projects. As an independent curator she has been invited by museums, universities and institutions in Colombia, Latin America, North America and Europe. Among her best known publications are the first monographic studies dedicated to the works of Oscar Muñoz (Volverse aire), Fernell Franco (Otro documento), Bernardo Salcedo (El universo en caja) and Carlos Rojas (Abriendo el Sistema, among others). In the academic field she has been director of the Arts Department of the Universidad Javeriana and professor at the same and other Colombian institutions such as Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Nacional de and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (all in Bogota). She has been Director of the Education Department of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá and, together with Carmen María Jaramillo, coordinator in Colombia of the Recouvering Sources of Latin American Arts project.