Redefiniendo la imágen fotográfica. Desde Desde Moholy-Nagy a la AI


  Miércoles 20 de septiembre 7pm. Bs As // 6pm Miami


con Vivian Galban

En esta Masterclass reflexionaremos sobre aspectos de la historia de la fotografía, la creación de imágenes en AI (Inteligencia Artificial), y los cuestionamientos contemporáneos sobre autoría.

Cupos Limitados, Vía Zoom



Vivian Galban (1969, Argentina) lives and works in Buenos Aires.

She studied architecture at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires (1993), holds a postgraduate degree in Conservation and Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage at the same institution (1996) and had specialized on silvering out techniques at  Penumbra Foundation in New York (2018). Galban's practice expands throughout the investigation of photography as a medium, questioning both the support and the photographic processes in contemporary times.

As for her academic activity she works with applied technology and her role as her educator and architect are part of her artistic research. She has conducted workshops and seminars at the Usina del Arte in Buenos Aires (2018), the Photography Center in Montevideo (2017), the Museum of Contemporary Art in Buenos Aires (2014–2016), and the Recoleta Cultural Center in Buenos Aires. (2015). She is currently head of the Department of Aesthetics, Art and Contemporary Culture of the Institute of Photographic Art and Audiovisual Techniques of the National University of Avellaneda, in the province of Buenos Aires. During the first years of her career, she founded the first Interactive Multimedia Development Agency: MediaLab Argentina based between Buenos Aires and Mexico City (1996–2010). She was also the executive director of the first Center for 3D Modeling and Design (1994–1996). 

During 2021 she was part of the group show Rethink Everything curated by Andrea Giunta at Les Recontres de la Photographie Festival, Arles. In 2019 she held her solo exhibition Real Time Exhibtion (2019-2020) curated by Alfredo Aracil and Leandro Villaro at Rolf Art Gallery Buenos Aires. Among her other individual exhibitions Valley of the Yosemite, from the Rocky Ford, 1872 at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires (MACBA) curated by Teresa Riccardi (2016) and We Do Not Know What a Body Can Do curated by Valeria González at Rolf Art Gallery (2013–2014). Her works have been selected for the Buenos Aires Photo Award (2015), the ArtexArte Biennial (2015) and participated in the XVII Biennial of Visual Arts of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia with the series Between Heaven and Earth (2010).