David Sisso


David Sisso is a photographer and visual artist born in San Luis in 1968, and porteño by choice since 1993. After studying communication sciences, he worked as an editorial photographer for remarkable local and international publications. For 7 years he was Editor of Photography for Rolling Stone magazine and author of its most memorable productions. As an advertising photographer, he worked with the main brands and local agencies. His personal work began to be exhibited in 2010 in galleries and art fairs. In 2013 he won the Lima Photo award. Soon after in 2017, Editorial Planeta released his photography book "Tierra Vacía" a project that is shown the same year at the Fototeca Latinoamericana in Buenos Aires. Since 2018 Sisso has been working on mixed media projects in which he approaches languages from other disciplines such as painting, video, and drawing, with pictures that he publishes in real time on his Instagram account @davidsisso


Entiendo mi producción como un diálogo permanente del lenguaje de la fotografía, mi formación de base, con otros sistemas de creación y representación. Por eso, mis series más recientes parecen alejarse de ésta e indagar en los límites imprecisos de múltiples disciplinas visuales.

David Sisso
Title: Sin título
Serie: "Streaming, Segunda Temporada"
Medium: Mixta, a partir de múltiples capturas de un frame del film The Coldest Game. Impresión Inkjet sobre papel
Date of print: 2022
Capture year: 2020
Dimensions: 50,5 x 69,5 cm
Edition: 1 de 15
Wall reference
2.5 x 4m / 98.4 x 157 in

Other works of ZONADEPHOTO - ZDPH

Other galleries

Carmen Araujo Arte
Peuser Art Project
Cecilia Caballero Arte Contemporáneo
Sin título